Welcome Empress
When a woman remembers her Inner Divinity, dares to fully step into her power and pleasure, and shine her light, no longer playing small or allowing her fears to stand in the way from her and her dreams,
Mother Earth rejoices, the collective consciousness is uplifted, and a wave of love is created and grows, as she lives a life fully embodying the unapologetic, Empowered Empress. When she activates ancient Empress codes and remembers the woman she came here to be she gives permission for other women
to do the same.
When one woman wins, we all win.
Together we rise higher.
as my awareness
Divine Feminine Archetypes
Throughout our journey we will be calling in the frequency of many Divine Feminine Archetypes and learning how to embody them and bring their energy into our own lives and consciousness. We will activate these frequencies that already exist within us, waiting to be discovered, seen and expressed though the unique embodiment that is you.
These Divine Feminine Archetypes are within each of us. All versions of Shakti are encoded within our DNA. We are Shakti embodied, and she is multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and moves through many phases and stages. This ever-changing and ever-flowing nature of the feminine is what makes her so beautiful. This nature within us all deserves to be seen, honoured and celebrated!
This is not a journey of becoming anything that you aren't already. You are a manifestation of the Divine, therefore you can never become more perfect, more whole, more magical, then you are right now. The is a journey of unbecoming. Of recognizing where our conditioning is and releasing it with compassion. In this journey we learn to honour all parts of our journey and all aspects of ourselves, know that we are exactly who and where we are meant to be.
It is a wonderful dance between being and becoming. Of learning how to profoundly accept, love and celebrate yourself as you are right now, while creating the life of your dreams and moving forward. It is a journey of rebirthing, of shedding the layers of old and letting the woman you came to this Earth to be to fully shine through the way she deserves.
This is not a program of “self help” because you don’t need help, Empress. You are an embodiment of Shakti and Shiva, you are Divine, and you hold the power within. You have the ability to create, destroy and change worlds. Because you are Divine, you can never be more perfect, whole or powerful than you are right now.
You are already everything you desire to be. This is a program of shedding the layers that have taught you that you are anything less than a powerful, limitless Divine Feminine being with the world of infinite potentiality within her hands.
All of the versions of you that you desire to become are already present within you. This program releases the illusions that stand in the way from you allowing your most authentic, unapologetic, fabulous, Divine, radiant, POWER-FULL self.
This is your sacred remembrance and activation.
Aside from the bonus PDFs, we'll also be using The Empress Codes book as our program guide. You'll receive a chapter of the ebook version for every code.
If you would like more journal prompts and guidance along our journey you can also order The Empowered Empress Journal!
Code I's focus will be on cultivating massive self love, learning to add more pleasure into all aspects of our lives, and embodying our inner beauty, AKA radiance. We will be guided by the Queen of Cups who embodies the version of the Divine Feminine who fully accepts and honours her emotions, who flows through life with ease, compassion and grace, and who deeply loves all aspects of herself. We'll dive into self pleasure, tantra, emotional expression and sacred sensuality. We learn how to own our feelings, how to show up unapologetically as our authentic selves and remember that WE are the source of our Power and Pleasure. We learn how to tune into our intuition and innate sacred feminine essence. We set a sacred foundation for the weeks ahead.
During Code II, we take a clear, honest look at our lives and see where we can take bold, radical moves in order to fully step into our power as The Warrioress. The Queen of Swords has cut through the illusions of limiting beliefs, self doubts and fears to see clearly who she truly is. She has dissolved the masks she once wore in order to appear a certain way or to please others. She is the definition of LIBERATED. This week we also call in the frequency of Kali Ma, the Goddess of Destruction. With all destruction comes rebirth. We learn how to create and honour our boundaries in all areas of life, how to trust and stay true to ourselves, and how to see with clarity the path ahead. A fearless Femme leader isn't fearless but fears-less. This doesn't mean her limiting beliefs don't exist, but she knows how to cut through them so she can let her inner light shine fully and to embody the woman she came to this earth to be. This is a powerful week of release, rebirth and rebellion! We'll have a releasing ceremony in sacred sisterhood and let go of all we are ready to in order to reveal our most radiant selves.
An Embodied Empress knows that abundance is her birthright and finds balance between the spiritual and material worlds. During Code III we put focus on our physical world (as well as how our subtle worlds and subconscious play important parts in our tangible reality.) We are giving our bodies a TON of love, acceptance and celebration this week. Together in sisterhood, we will dissolve negative beliefs around our Temple bodies and learn how to appreciate and adore them the way they deserve. The way they're longing to be seen and loved. We learn how to treat them as Sacred, how to come back to our inner wild woman. We also play with manifestation magic this week and learn exercises for calling in our deepest desires and creating the life BEYOND our wildest dreams. We cover topics such as body love, manifestation, abundance, money, the subconscious and balancing the spiritual and material worlds.
Get ready to unleash your Inner Bad Bitch! During weeks 7-8, with the Badass Queen of Wands (The Mystical Baddie as I call her) as our guide, we dive deep into our shadow selves and find beauty in all parts of our journey. We learn how to not only accept our past, but how to use it as building blocks to the life of our dreams. We learn how to accept our shadow aspects in an empowering and playful way. We release shame around the parts of ourselves that we've hidden away, and celebrate our vulnerability. We journey through and embody many aspects of the feminine and have fun with classes like learning how to give a sensual lap dance and embody your unique sexual expression. All parts of you are welcome AND celebrated! We also dive into inner child healing and healing the masculine/feminine within our lives.
We have moved from the Queen frequencies to The High Priestess. Within Code V, we focus on the mystical arts of tarot and astrology, and learn new ways to connect to our Inner Divine Feminine through the ancient paths of yoga and tantra. As women in today's society it's extremely important to constantly connect to Spirit (our True Selves). With this sacred knowledge we can make all parts of our lives a ritual. This week you'll receive a special workshop on understanding yourself through mystical arts. Learn how tarot and oracle cards can help you embody your Power and how learning to read your astrology chart can help you live your life's purpose. We learn how to connect to our Higher Self aka our Highest Empress Frequency (HEF). We also learn how to listen to and honour our intuition and feminine instincts. We remember our connection to the moon and the beauty of our sacred bleed.
We've made it to the Empress! During this Code we focus on POWER, EXPANSION and LEADERSHIP. How to reclaim and own our own Femme power and how we can pave the way for other women to do the same. What does it mean to be a leader? What wave is your existence creating within the collective consciousness? We are here for more than just ourselves Empresses. A powerful Empress cares about others and knows that she is not Higher than them in any way, she might just be a few steps ahead on the same path, therefore she can guide them with Grace and Humility. Learn how to fully embody your message, story, and create (and sustain) the Empire of your dreams. Krystal shares about how she created a successful business and online presence, how she broke through the fear of using her voice, and how she built a conscious community of over 150k.
Create your Divine Feminine altar and sacred space, while creating a foundation to grow during the weeks ahead
Connect with and embody the element of water and the Queen of Cups archetype; sensual, free-spirited, flowing, & expressive.
Practice tantra and how it can bring more pleasure into your life
Embrace your sacred sensuality and feel good & expansive on your own
Honour, express and communicate your emotions in an empowering manner
Reconnect to your yoni/energetic yoni and innate feminine Nature (Shakti)
Heal the sacral chakra and energy around the womb
The Empress energy is multidimensional, multifaceted and complex. She is all of the aspects of Shakti. An Empress is a little different from a Queen, as she is a sovereign ruler, often standing alone, and isn't afraid to until she meets those worthy of her energy. She is here to change the world; for she IS the world. She is abundance, beauty, and compassion embodied. She holds all of the previous Archetypes within and fiercely embodies them all with grace and strength.
Code I's focus will be on cultivating massive self love, learning to add more pleasure into all aspects of our lives, and embodying our inner beauty, AKA radiance. We will be guided by the Queen of Cups who embodies the version of the Divine Feminine who fully accepts and honours her emotions, who flows through life with ease, compassion and grace, and who deeply loves all aspects of herself. We'll dive into self pleasure, tantra, emotional expression and sacred sensuality. We learn how to own our feelings, how to show up unapologetically as our authentic selves and remember that WE are the source of our Power and Pleasure. We learn how to tune into our intuition and innate sacred feminine essence. We set a sacred foundation for the weeks ahead.
During Code II, we take a clear, honest look at our lives and see where we can take bold, radical moves in order to fully step into our power as The Warrioress. The Queen of Swords has cut through the illusions of limiting beliefs, self doubts and fears to see clearly who she truly is. She has dissolved the masks she once wore in order to appear a certain way or to please others. She is the definition of LIBERATED. This week we also call in the frequency of Kali Ma, the Goddess of Destruction. With all destruction comes rebirth. We learn how to create and honour our boundaries in all areas of life, how to trust and stay true to ourselves, and how to see with clarity the path ahead. A fearless Femme leader isn't fearless but fears-less. This doesn't mean her limiting beliefs don't exist, but she knows how to cut through them so she can let her inner light shine fully and to embody the woman she came to this earth to be. This is a powerful week of release, rebirth and rebellion! We'll have a releasing ceremony in sacred sisterhood and let go of all we are ready to in order to reveal our most radiant selves.
An Embodied Empress knows that abundance is her birthright and finds balance between the spiritual and material worlds. During Code III we put focus on our physical world (as well as how our subtle worlds and subconscious play important parts in our tangible reality.) We are giving our bodies a TON of love, acceptance and celebration this week. Together in sisterhood, we will dissolve negative beliefs around our Temple bodies and learn how to appreciate and adore them the way they deserve. The way they're longing to be seen and loved. We learn how to treat them as Sacred, how to come back to our inner wild woman. We also play with manifestation magic this week and learn exercises for calling in our deepest desires and creating the life BEYOND our wildest dreams. We cover topics such as body love, manifestation, abundance, money, the subconscious and balancing the spiritual and material worlds.
Get ready to unleash your Inner Bad Bitch! During weeks 7-8, with the Badass Queen of Wands (The Mystical Baddie as I call her) as our guide, we dive deep into our shadow selves and find beauty in all parts of our journey. We learn how to not only accept our past, but how to use it as building blocks to the life of our dreams. We learn how to accept our shadow aspects in an empowering and playful way. We release shame around the parts of ourselves that we've hidden away, and celebrate our vulnerability. We journey through and embody many aspects of the feminine and have fun with classes like learning how to give a sensual lap dance and embody your unique sexual expression. All parts of you are welcome AND celebrated! We also dive into inner child healing and healing the masculine/feminine within our lives.
We have moved from the Queen frequencies to The High Priestess. Within Code V, we focus on the mystical arts of tarot and astrology, and learn new ways to connect to our Inner Divine Feminine through the ancient paths of yoga and tantra. As women in today's society it's extremely important to constantly connect to Spirit (our True Selves). With this sacred knowledge we can make all parts of our lives a ritual. This week you'll receive a special workshop on understanding yourself through mystical arts. Learn how tarot and oracle cards can help you embody your Power and how learning to read your astrology chart can help you live your life's purpose. We learn how to connect to our Higher Self aka our Highest Empress Frequency (HEF). We also learn how to listen to and honour our intuition and feminine instincts. We remember our connection to the moon and the beauty of our sacred bleed.
We've made it to the Empress! During this Code we focus on POWER, EXPANSION and LEADERSHIP. How to reclaim and own our own Femme power and how we can pave the way for other women to do the same. What does it mean to be a leader? What wave is your existence creating within the collective consciousness? We are here for more than just ourselves Empresses. A powerful Empress cares about others and knows that she is not Higher than them in any way, she might just be a few steps ahead on the same path, therefore she can guide them with Grace and Humility. Learn how to fully embody your message, story, and create (and sustain) the Empire of your dreams. Krystal shares about how she created a successful business and online presence, how she broke through the fear of using her voice, and how she built a conscious community of over 150k.
Connect with and embody the element of water and the Queen of Cups archetype; sensual, free-spirited, flowing, & expressive.
Practice tantra and how it can bring more pleasure into your life
Embrace your sacred sensuality and feel good &
expansive on your own
Honour, express and communicate your emotions in an empowering manner
Reconnect to your yoni/energetic yoni and innate feminine Nature (Shakti)
Heal the sacral chakra and energy around the womb
Hi sister, I'm
I was interested in spirituality from a young age, always questioning this existence and why we are here. When I discovered what factory farms were at age 15 and became plant based, it also opened my eyes to the corruption in major industries and it made me wonder what else I was having hidden from me. This is the spiritual journey; questioning everything and seeking truth. Waking up to your surroundings and coming back to your true, wild, gorgeous nature.
My journey of studying different spiritual paths and cultures began when I was twenty. I left small town Canada and took a leap of faith; a one way ticket to China with no money and no idea what would be waiting for me. I didn't know anything about where I was moving to, but I knew whatever was waiting for me on the other end of that leap would be better than remaining comfortable.
Stop playing small and embody the woman you came to this Earth to be
Reclaim your power and energy from people and situations that are no longer serving your highest path
Add pleasure to your every day life and fall madly in love with existence itself
Discover levels of yourSelf you never knew existed and fall madly in love with all parts of YOU
Release the poisons of feminine consciousness: comparison, jealousy, unworthiness and belittlement
Manifest the life of your wildest dreams and claim abundance on all levels; spiritually, emotionally, physically and materially!
Release limiting stories and beliefs you hold from the past and replace them with more empowering timelines
Embrace and shine your unique feminine expression
Heal your relationship with money and prosperity
Have fun, play and RISE with likeminded sisters!
Release shame and heal your relationship to sexual energy and expression
Stop playing small and embody the woman you came to this Earth to be
Reclaim your power and energy from people and situations that are no longer serving your highest path
Add pleasure to your every day life and fall madly in love with existence itself
Discover levels of yourSelf you never knew existed and fall madly in love with all parts of YOU
Release the poisons of feminine consciousness: comparison, jealousy, unworthiness and belittlement
Manifest the life of your wildest dreams and claim abundance on all levels; spiritually, emotionally, physically and materially!
Release limiting stories and beliefs you hold from the past and replace them with more empowering timelines
Embrace and shine your unique feminine expression
Heal your relationship with money and prosperity
Have fun, play and RISE with likeminded sisters!
Release shame and heal your relationship to sexual energy and expression
I show up in spite of my fears. I show up in spite of my doubts and worries. I show up in spite of my limiting beliefs. I choose a big life. I choose greatness. I choose to do what feels good and expansive, always. I choose my pleasure. I choose to unapologetically show up in my authenticity, vulnerability and power. I am no longer apologizing for who I am.
I choose to show up in sisterhood and rewrite the story of competition and comparison between women into a story of connection and collaboration.
I know by living a life fully expressed as my true self and in my power I then give other women permission to do the same. I honour the women who walked before me and those who will come after. I know my choices today matter. I know I matter. I declare that I will call in MORE. More pleasure more happiness more positivity more abundance more money more sex more power more humility more authenticity more Grace more ease and more love.
I declare that I will do my best to commit to the practices of the embodied empress mystery school because I know when I come back to these tools I come back to my spirit and Shakti essence and therefore I come back to my true self and align with my highest frequency and purpose as I walk this earth. I show up not only for myself and the ones I care about but for the collective. I know that the decisions I make affects all as we are one and I choose to live my highest timeline no matter what has happened in the past I now look forward to my future and open the portals of pleasure into the depths of this moment here and now.
As an empowered empress I commit to leading a life from my heart. I commit to doing my best and even though some days Might be hard even though some days I might even fall, I know every single step of the way is Divinely guided . I put full trust in the universe and know i an supporter. I know I have the power to create universes within my very being because i AM the universe. I know I can create a life beyond my wildest dreams. I know I am worthy. I am powerful I am fierce I am soft I am beautiful I am free and I am a unwise one of a kind embodiment of Shakti. No one is the same as me and that is my power. My authenticity is my power. I release all conditioning now that held me back and told me there was something wrong with me I know that there is nothing wrong with me and there never has been. I know I am worthy I am capable I am enough. I release the need to please others I release any care of what others think of me because I know whatever anyone else says about me it is only a projection of what is happening inside of them and has nothing to do with me.
I release the shame around my body my sexuality and my shadow self. I love all parts of myself equally. I know that every single human on this planet has shadows and light within and it doesn’t make anyone more or less worthy of love, pleasure and abundance.
As an empowered empress I now declare to the universe that I will show up in a different way in order to receive different results. I will break through the veils of illusion that have kept me playing small and pave the way for the women coming after me. I am a feminine leader of the new earth. The earth we are collectively creating that is full of love light and connection. I am rewriting my story and therefore my life.
I bow in gratitude and humility to the great mother Shakti and father shiva great spirit. I bow to the mystery of existence. May I appreciate the gift of this life. May I show up in a way that uplifts and empowers the collective. May my existence here create an unending wave of love. May all beings be happy and free and I know that starts with me. Thank you thank you thank you.
Sat Nam.